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Migrating From Vivid 2.x to Vivid 3.x

Vivid 3.x has been rewritten from scratch.

It comes with almost all components that are available in Vivid 2.x, and many new ones. All of them are better in both code and semantics. All the components are aligned with the HTML spec and are accessible.

If you are migrating to Vivid 3.x, you can install it alongside Vivid 2.x for an easy and gradual migration.

Differences Between Vivid 2.x and Vivid 3.x

General Naming Changes

Before (Vivid 2.x) After (Vivid 3.x)
heading headline
icon type name
icon trailingIcon icon-leading (default), icon-trailing
size dense, enlarged super-condensed, condensed, normal, expanded
size (icon) small, medium, large scale from -6 to 5,
undefined: default to font-size
sizes - in layout xs, md, lg small, medium, large
(ghost, filled, outlined)
layout appearance
in some components dismissible removable

Components Naming Changes

Before (Vivid 2.x) After (Vivid 3.x) Comments
chip, chip-set
tag, tag-group
tag, tag-group
circular-progress progress-ring
dropdown menu use header + action-items slots
icon-button button
linear-progress progress
snackbar alert
theme-switch switch
top-app-bar, top-app-bar fixed header

List & List Item Components Changes

In Vivid 3.x we created separate components for different uses for the former list-item.
This is for better accessibility and HTML standards.

Usage Before (Vivid 2.x) After (Vivid 3.x)
navigation vwc-list
menu vwc-list
menu-item with role="menuitemcheckbox"
menu-item with role="menuitemradio"
List items vwc-check-list-item menu-item with role="menuitemcheckbox"
vwc-radio-list-item menu-item with role="menuitemradio"
Use inside Select/Combobox
vwc-list-item option

Installing Vivid 3.x Alongside Vivid 2.x

Step 1: Pre Installation

The project needs to import Vivid 2.x components individually and not as a whole package.


"@vonage/vivid": "^2.x.x"


"@vonage/vvd-context": "^2.x.x",
"@vonage/vvd-core": "^2.x.x",
//import all Vivid 2.x components you are using in the project
"@vonage/vwc-accordion": "^2.x.x",
"@vonage/vwc-action-group": "^2.x.x",
"@vonage/vwc-audio": "^2.x.x",
"@vonage/vwc-button": "^2.x.x",

Step 2: Make Sure Your Vivid 2.x Components Are Imported Correctly


import { VWCButton } from '@vonage/vivid';


import { VWCButton } from '@vonage/vwc-button';

Step 3: Install Vivid 3.x

You can now install Vivid 3.x as usual by following the Getting Started guides.

Make sure you follow the instructions for:

  • Using a custom prefix (e.g. vwc-3)
  • Loading the Vivid 2.x compatibility styles (@vonage/vivid/styles/tokens/vivid-2-compat.css)

Step 4: Moving the Vivid 2.x Class

You need to add the Vivid 2.x class vvd-scheme-main to a descendant element of the vvd-root. This is needed to ensure that Vivid 2.x tokens are not overridden by Vivid 3.x tokens.

<html class="vvd-root">
  <body class="vvd-scheme-main">

Step 5: Start Using Components

You are now ready to start using Vivid 3.x components. You will need to add the vvd-component class to every component to avoid a collision between Vivid 2.x and Vivid 3.x tokens. If you are using Vivid Vue, this is done automatically for you.

  label="Scoped Vivid 3.x Button"

Cleanup: Once the Migration Is Complete

After using Vivid 3.x exclusively, follow these steps:

  • Remove Vivid 2.x from your package.json. You should only have @vonage/vivid": "^3.x".
  • Remove the vvd-component class from all the components.
  • Remove the vvd-scheme-main class from the body.
  • Remove the import of vivid2-compat.css.


Vivid 3.x should be pulled from npm and not from GitHub packages. Check your .npmrc file to make sure you are not pulling from GitHub packages. We'd advise uninstalling all vivid components via npm uninstall or yarn remove and reinstalling them afterward. This is probably due to your lock file still pointing at the wrong registry. See uninstall of point one. Angular projects have an angular.json file. Inside you have the styles property. Add the Vivid style files paths to your angular.json file.